Articles and Reviews

Living Near a Volcano: A Comprehensive Guide to Volcanic Eruption Preparedness

Most of us have never and will never experience an volcanic eruption. These natural phenomena only occur in a few ...
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How to Prepare for a Wildfire

California Wildfires in 2020
Over the last several years, there has been a rise in the number of wildfires. These raging fires have caused ...
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Be Prepared: A Guide of What to do During a Blizzard

If you ever been part of a blizzard, you are familiar with the sight: high winds, fast accumulating snow fall, ...
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Staying Safe: What To Do During and After A Flood

According to Forbes, 1 of 4 people are at risk of experiencing a flood. These odds highlight a growing change ...
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What is a Go Bag?

In 2020, wildfires in California caused billions of dollars in damage. More than a half-million residents either fled their homes ...
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