4 Places to Have an Emergency Go Bag

Protecting Your Family Home | Éducaloi

Time and unforeseen occurrence happen to all of us. If we had the luxury to know when something would happen, we would always be prepared. Unfortunately, that is not the case. We just have to be prepared just in case something does happen and hope that those emergency situations never arise. This is why we have a go bag.

One thing to remember is that these disasters happen at any time. In our day to day lives, we are not stationary. We go to school, to work, to family and friends, etc. So, while we might typically have these supplies at home, having them in other likely places makes sense. Besides our home, where else should we have a go bag or emergency supplies? Let’s discuss 4 places where you should have an emergency go bag.

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At Home

Everyone should have an emergency go bag at home. I think everyone would agree with that. It’s the logical first place to store a go bag. However, while this is the listed first on our list of places to have an emergency go bag, it should not be the only one. Where else should you have a go bag? Keep reading.

At Work

Most of us spend the majority of our time at our jobs. The average person spends on average 8-9 hours a day at that workplace. If an incident like an earthquake were to occur, there is a high likelihood that you would be at work. In fact, the aforementioned earthquake happened when I was at work. It makes sense than that your place of employment would be an ideal place to have a go bag.

A desk, file cabinet, or a locker are adequate enough in size for a small emergency go bag containing essential items such as emergency food, emergency water, or shelter. This would not be the ideal place to have a go bag with anything that might be considered a weapon such as a pocket knife.

Even if an entire bag at the workplace might not appeal to you, having extra snacks, water bottles, a first aid kit, and a change of clothes would make one better equipped in an emergency situation

At School

Most of our children have lockers at school. This would be a suitable place to store a few emergency items. In fact, there are smaller go bags available that would fit in a school locker. This would give you some additional peace of mind that if something were to happen while our children were in school, they would have basic emergency items.

In Your Car

When we buy our cars, they come with a spare tire. Why? If ever we got a flat tire, we have a spare handy. That same mindset of “just in case” is true with disaster preparedness.

When it comes to our vehicles, they are always generally nearby. So even if we are away from home, we have the comfort of knowing that we have emergency supplies in the trunk of our vehicle. These kits do not have to take up a lot of room, but should have the essential items. Also keep in mind that trunks are hot. So the type of items we store such as food and water should do well in that kind of environment

Are There Any More Places For a Go Bag?

We’ve discussed 4 places where you should have a go bag. By this point, you would agree that the aforementioned places are great places to store one. But are there any other places? The answer to that question is yes. You should store a go bag in any location that you feel would help you and your family. Some other locations I’ve seen listed are barns, storage facilities, or a friend’s house. There are no limits to disaster preparedness.

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